
Books are a great way to learn English with. Therefore, I want to share some outstanding books with you that can bring your English to a much higher level. (The list is going to be updated regularly.)

And, of course, I also want to share my own books with you. I have put a lot of effort into writing them to make them useful for you and your quest to learn English effectively. 🙂

My own books

COMING SOON: How to Learn English with The Big Bang Theory

COMING SOON: The Biggest Mistakes in Learning a Language

Other books I recommend

I have read these books myself, and I L-O-V-E them! 🙂

Atomic Habits by James Clear

According to the author, the book “Atomic Habits” has been sold over 15 million times. And that’s not by accident. It is a good read and full of practical advice on creating better habits and becoming more successful in life (especially by becoming a better version of yourself).

According to James Clear, nothing in our lives is as important as having good habits, as they shape most of our daily behavior.

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Be useful by Arnold Schwarzenegger

In his new book “Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life,” Arnold tells us the most important rules to live by if your goal is to lead a life of purpose, meaning, and joy.

Moreover, Arnold shows precisely how he applied these rules in all the stages of his own life. In his bodybuilding career, during his time as a world-renowned movie star, in his time as governor of California, up until now, being a philanthropist and environmental activist.

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Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

J. K. Rowling is considered to be the most successful author in the world. And there’s a reason for that.

Maybe you’ve already read one of the Harry Potter books in your native language. If so, please read it in English now. As you know the basic plot already, you’ll have a much easier time to follow the story.

And if you are not familiar with the Harry Potter books, I recommend you start with the first one. It’s called the Philosopher’s Stone. Enjoy it.

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