In today’s English lesson, which is based on a funny commercial, you will listen to Arnold Schwarzenegger to learn new vocabulary and typical pronunciation mistakes.
You know what? Arnold’s English is really good. He knows a ton of vocabulary, knows all the grammar rules, speaks confidently, and of course, fluently. And yet, his pronunciation is not optimal, to say the least. But you can learn from his mistakes with today’s blog post.
You will learn new vocabulary and also some typical pronunciation mistakes by listening to Arnold. And, of course, you will also learn the correct pronunciation by listening to the other cast of this hilarious commercial.
As always, there are five steps to this:
Step 1: Watch with Subtitles (and try to guess the meaning of new words based on the context)
Step 2: Read the Transcript (and still resist the urge to look the words up; guess the meaning instead)
Step 3: Now it’s time to learn the new Vocabulary (including example sentences to understand the usage of the newly learned words better)
Step 4: Watch without Subtitles (as a way of testing yourself)
Step 5: Take the Quiz (and test your knowledge about what you have just learned)
Step 1: Watch with Subtitles
Step 2: Read the Transcript
Thank you, Agent State Farm.
Like a good neighba, State Farm is there.
Cut. Hey, Arnold, I’m hearing neighba. It’s neighbor.
That’s what I said, neighba.
Let’s go again.
Like a good neighba, State Farm is there.
Now what?
It’s neighbor.
Yeah, neighba, just like it’s written on the papa (paper).
This lady is in laba (labor).
Look at this. This is labor.
Like a good neighba. Baaa. That was the sheep, and you know it.
It’s like a cold. Brrrr.
Yeah, I’m cold, baa. Neighba.
Still no.
Like a good neighba.
Bor. Ba. Bor, Ba. Neighbor. Neighba. Bor, Ba, Bor, Baaa!
Get me out of this choppa (chopper).
It’s pronounced chopper.
It is.
Neighba! A little bit more conceala (concealer).
Hey, Arnold, it’s got a bit of a script change.
A script change?
Thank you, Agent State Farm.
Like a good neigbor, State Farm is there. Simple.
You are a backstabba (backstabber).
I’m a backstabber.
So, let’s just move on to the flashback scene.
I swear to be a good neighba.
I think we nailed it.
Step 3: Learn the Vocabulary
State Farm = an insurance company in the United States with corporate headquarters in Bloomington, Illinois
The company decided to produce the commercial we have just watched. Apparently, State Farm wanted to increase brand awareness and make a funny clip with Arnold that could go viral on the Internet. I think they were successful at it.
labor (in Britain it is spelled labour) = the last stage of pregnancy, in which the baby is gradually pushed out of the womb by the mother
Example: She went into labor at twelve o’clock last night.
In another context, the word labor could also refer to practical work, especially work that involves physical effort.
Example: The car parts themselves are not expensive – it’s the labor that costs so much.
one = You can use the word “one” to make statements about people in general.
Example: One ought to make the effort to vote.
chopper = informal for helicopter
Example: Overhead, the chopper roared and the big blades churned (= moved violently) the air.
concealer = a type of make-up used to hide spots or marks on the skin
Example: Use concealer under tired eyes to hide dark circles.
script = the words of a film, play, broadcast, or speech
Example: He wrote the script for the new film.
backstabber = someone who attacks you behind your back, especially verbally
In this case, Arnold called Danny DeVito a backstabber because he was taking credit for work Arnold put a lot of effort into.
Example: He is considered a backstabber, who has broken a code of silence.
flashback = a short part of a film, story, or play that goes back to events in the past
Example: The novel began with a flashback to the hero’s experiences in the war.
to nail something = to achieve something or do something right
So, Arnold thought he completed the job successfully when, in fact, the producers of the commercial weren’t that happy with his performance.
Example: She nailed her audition and got the lead part in the musical.
Step 4: Watch without Subtitles
Step 5: Take the Test
Scene taken from the State Farm YouTube Channel (clip) | Definitions and example sentences are partly taken from the Cambridge and Collins Dictionary.